Tuesday, November 03, 2009

An attempt to "dress-up" some baby gifts!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is going to become my "creative" blog... maybe? If you happen to be reading this, wow! Luke and I (and Baby Bro) have a family blog as well - http://brochateau.wordpress.com.

My friend Jesse has started a card club...and I get to be part of it...helping me achieve some of my "goals" in the last year of my 20s... There are 4 of us participating. Each month, we send at least one blank card that we have created to each of the others. I went with a Thanksgiving-ish theme for this month. Some months I assume that mine will look similar to each other. This month, they each took a slightly different direction. Each card has a front panel that slides off, leaving a blank panel for messages.