Thursday, May 03, 2012

Speaking of fish

We're trying to eat a little bit more fish these days.  It isn't hard for us to eat a little bit more because we pretty much each none at home.  Well, there is the occasional can of tuna for salad but I think it may have been over a year since I've even done that...  Tonight - mission accomplished.  Sort of.  I've been rather reluctant.  Not because I don't like fish - which is true and probably lends itself to a lack of motivation - but because of the great price paired with great risk of failure.  Give me chicken, pork, or beef, and I feel fairly confident that I can make it edible, dare say, fairly tasty.  But fish.  Not so much.  Do I spend a lot on "good" fish and risk messing it up or do I buy "cheap" fish to test out my skills and not know if it isn't quite as tasty because it isn't quite as "good?"  hmmm.  today I gave up.  and gave in.  and bought that $5.99 box of salmon patties.  9-11 minutes in the oven + a little sour cream and lemon juice + mixed greens + a whole wheat bun + a little freshly ground pepper = not bad.


  1. ooooooooh! Classy salmon burger. Yum!

    I find that I rather love Tilapia when it is baked. it is SO cheap and I just do olive oil, s&p and lemon juice. It takes only like 15 minutes or something and is not terribly "fishy."

    Love you!

  2. yum that sounds delicious! like a burger @ the counter!!

    (i never cook fish either...)
