Wednesday, June 25, 2008


You may have heard that hundreds of wildfires are burning in Northern California. Beyond hearing about them, we're smelling them, feeling it in our breathing, and seeing the soot that has come in from our bathroom window being open. It smells sort of like a campfire...

Here's a short write-up on the situation:

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Maybe you should just pack up and head on over to KC. All you have to worry about here are those pesky tornadoes. :-)

    Miss you friends.

    P.S. Did Luke get APJ's "godfather's day" card and picture?


About Me

We are a mom and 4.5 year old son who like to go on food adventures with our family! We have just moved to Sunnyvale, CA, and there are lots of place to eat. To counterbalance the eating,