Thursday, September 02, 2010

5 to 30...


for quite a while, i've talked about having a stationery design business.  it has never gone anywhere...just a lot of talk.  my interest is perhaps not as great as it had once been...but there is still interest.  i designed nealon's birth announcement and have done a few gifts here and there but nothing much.

tonight i printed 3 sets of notecards for friends!  there is no money involved.  no big surprises.  nothing too special.  but, it is the closest i have come to having "Sardine Ink" up and running!

I want to rotate this photo...

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous idea -- I noticed the beautiful designs but didn't realize you were interested in the business side of it. Best of luck!

    One thought, in this world of digital-only communication, is to still come up with awesome designs, but in an email- or Word doc-friendly format. I personally do not use stationery anymore; however, I would gladly use a well-designed template for personal emails, email attachments, or something related. Beautiful design is always appreciated! And how cool would it be for me to somehow send a card (that you designed) that would just pop up on someone's desktop as a free-standing image and not just show up in a standard inbox?


About Me

We are a mom and 4.5 year old son who like to go on food adventures with our family! We have just moved to Sunnyvale, CA, and there are lots of place to eat. To counterbalance the eating,