Friday, August 27, 2010

11 to 30...

Someone famous.

As you've possibly noticed, I haven't had a set list for my 30 to 30.  Some of the items were already set out, other just happened, and then still others are in the works and/or being discovered.  One of my "unspoken" desires was to meet someone famous.  I suppose this could still happen.  In some regards I have done this earlier in my life as well - been in the same room as several, worked with some, etc.  

Fridays are often Luke's day off.  We like to spend time doing some things together.  Today we went for a walk to the library and stopped for some fro yo at our new local place on our way home.  (Nealon likes the original tart!)  As Luke was paying and Nealon and I were beginning to navigate out, guess who was walking in?  Meg Whitman.  She's the republican nominee for governor of CA, former CEO of eBay, etc.  Now, we didn't meet her per se.  But I did say hi and she said hi back!  She's pretty tall.  She walked out, eating her yogurt and waited for the gentleman that she was with to come out.  She was wearing a white shirt and denim slacks. As soon as he came out, they ran across the street.  Right, no picture.

We then walked home.  I was kicking myself for not asking for a picture with her.  What politician doesn't want people to talk to them?!  We decided that we'd ask them if we ran into them again.  Really, a picture with Meg Whitman now might not be a big deal...but who knows, someday it might be...  Anyhow.  We didn't run into them.  Luke needed to get something done at home and I decided to take another loop with Nealon.  We found them!  They were in the Baskin Robbins across the street.  Her back was to the door.  They were having what seemed to be a fun conversation.  No, I wasn't about to go in and interrupt.  That would be stalkerish!  (As if walking back around the neighborhood wasn't stalker-ish enough!)

So...anyone got some famous people you want to introduce me to?

In other news, we joined the YMCA today.  They have free childcare.  I plan on spending 2 hours there each day.  Class, sauna, coffee...oh, Nealon!! :)

In my creative mode, I did this...  Do you see it? 


  1. Dude, you totally ran into someone else famous at the Y today -- ME!!


  2. Eye don't get it. But at least it's Friday!

  3. So glad you joined the Y!


About Me

We are a mom and 4.5 year old son who like to go on food adventures with our family! We have just moved to Sunnyvale, CA, and there are lots of place to eat. To counterbalance the eating,