Sunday, August 08, 2010

30 days left in my 20s. 30 days left until 30. As such, I'm going to try to accomplish 30 things that I haven't done, have wanted to do, or feel need to be done for real before I turn 30. (Having a baby 10 weeks prematurely while 29 years old wasn't enough for me...!)

Tonight I started out easy. We watched Top Gun. Yes, I'd never seen it. It came out when I was 5 1/2 years old and somehow I've managed to survive all these years without it.  It was pretty good....

More adventures to come - most more interesting than Top Gun!  Let me know if you'd like to join me or have suggestions for things to add to my list...  (plant a veggie garden, cook an entire meal from a magazine, ride a motorcycle, go to a movie by myself, walk across the golden gate bridge, go to SoCal, meet my goddaughter...)


  1. Phoebe on Friends did something similar; hopefully your list won't end with you realizing you're actually 31.

    I love this idea and want to join (maybe in a slightly abbreviated form?). I vote for the Golden Gate Bridge walk and volunteer to go with if you'd like a buddy :)

  2. Okaying meeting goddaughter next week....check!
    Cooking an entire meal from a magazine with Jen....check!

    Can't wait to see you!!!

  3. I like your list! Riding a motorcycle sounds fun. I need to try that! Walking across the GG bridge is chilly! And watching movies in a theater by yourself is the best! Just bring yummy popcorn.


About Me

We are a mom and 4.5 year old son who like to go on food adventures with our family! We have just moved to Sunnyvale, CA, and there are lots of place to eat. To counterbalance the eating,